ACT human


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Watch the online book launch of 'Act Human'

During the live online book launch of ‘Act Human’ on January 28, 2021, host Tom De Cock spoke with authors Karel Demeester, prof. dr. Sarah Steenhaut & Jan Callebaut about the book as a basis for the new marketing thinking. Guests Marc Michils (Marketing expert and General Director at Kom Op Tegen Kanker), Peter Decuypere (Event expert) & Alain Thys (Experience architect) illustrated how they apply the ‘Act Human’ approach in daily practice.

The online book launch was originally broadcast in Dutch. Would you like to exchange ideas about the biggest marketing challenge within your organization or an ‘Act Human’ approach within your company? Or do you want to share your best practices with us? Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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Read more in ‘Act Human’

People-focused marketing cán make the difference. That is the uniting thread behind ‘Act Human’, which has the support of different Human Activators. The book introduces you to this vision and explains how you can put it into practice as a Human Activator, as well as the consequences this carries for the role of marketers, corporate culture and our style of collaboration.

Get in touch with the Human Activators

Would you like to exchange ideas about your vision on Act Human, share your best practices or ask the Human Activators a question? We welcome any feedback. Let’s talk!

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