Marketing is about being ánd staying human.
Marketing is about activating human relationships.
This is what the marketer should do. This is what the Human Activator does.
The average person sees ‘marketing’ as a box of tricks. Marketers don’t have a seat at the table of corporate executive boards. Marketers have earned themselves a bad reputation by losing sight of what marketing is really about.
Marketing means invoking and working with existing interpersonal relationships. Because there is one characteristic that our customers, employees, partners, society at large and we ourselves, have in common with each other: we are human. Each in our own way, we try to build meaningful relationships with our environment and fellow human beings, as well as with products, brands, structures and organisations.
Only when we understand how relationships between people and their context develop, can we meaningfully respond with the right data, relevant tools and appropriate technology.
Marketing does not represent a market-focused mindset; it represents a relationship-focused mindset. It is not about “creating” a need, but about better understanding and anticipating on people. It is not about selling a product or service, but about offering a state of mind.
Let us together bring back the people-focused role of the marketing profession and put forward a marketing that does make the difference.
Bye bye marketers, welcome Human Activators!